Sunday, February 03, 2008

New Possible Fraud - New Reason to Reduce Pre Foreclosure

New Possible Fraud - New Reason to Reduce Preforeclosure
Short Sale Values to the Bank

When determining value, are sheriff's paid extra when the value is high? Could this be happening in appraisals for preforeclosure short sales too? This is something I'm always on the look at for. A reason to convince the bank their value of a house is too high. Well, today's paper gave me a reason I'd never ever thought of. And it's a good one too,

It can't be used in all instances. You'll have to wait until the sheriff has an appraisal for the house as they set a foreclosure sale date. But it's usable!

Appraisers Were getting a Percentage of the Value

This morning's paper said that the appraisers that work for the sheriff are paid based on a percentage of the value they put on the home. This is a drive-by appraisal. They don't see the inside of the house. They can't see the inside of the house because they see 50 houses per day. There's no way they can go inside any of them and still see 50 per day.

They have been giving wrong values-high values on the houses-so they can get more commission when appraising the house. But we already knew that. But we didn't know about the sheriff's appraisers getting a percentage of the value they determine! I figured it was a flat fee.

On February 1 (3 day's ago), How they are paid is being changed

The appraisers will be paid per parcel. In my county, 3 appraisers go out together in one car to see 50 houses per day. There are just two appraisers in my surrounding counties. So they divide the total number of parcels by 3 or the number of appraisers per car and that's how much they get paid.

I closed on a house last week that had 3 parcels. At $250 per parcel times 2 (appraisers in this county), they got $750 divided by 2. Not bad. $375 each for house-assuming it is only one parcel.

Let's figure this out. Let's say each house is one parcel. So 50 parcels per day times $250 each (in the cheap counties) equals $12,500 divided by 2 appraisers = $6,250 per day.

Are You Thinking of Changing Professions?
Anybody interested in changing professions? Be sure to include in your budget donating $1000 per year to the Sheriff's re-election campaign. This will make sure you keep your job each year!

So the value for the sheriffs' office is based on the exterior of the property only. It can easily have the highest values in the neighborhood being used as the comps--no matter what the interior condition.

With this formula, the bank can deny your "real" short sale value. They can just wait until the sheriff sale. Buy it back with the expectation they will get much more than is a realistic value as the sale price.

And they won't. It will take a year to get it back, list it with a realtor, and lower the cost enough to get a buyer at its real value. The bank loses. But so do we when our value is already real for today's market.

You'll need to find out what appraisers make in your county. Each county that was in the article had a different payment for the appraisers.

Check out this link to the Enquirer Article. Cut out the couple paragraphs near the end to use with your packet to the bank. Spell it out in your cover letter what it means so maybe, just maybe the bank will accept your offer.

Cincinnati Enqurier Article

To Your Investing Success
Deb McMillan
The Short Sale Queen®

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