Monday, October 20, 2008

Issue 5 for Ohioans Financial Freedom thru Choice

Dear Ohioans:
(Everbody else, this could be coming to your state next!)

Have you read, I mean really read, Issue 5 to be on the ballot in Ohio on November 4th?

Here we are real estate investors, trying to find buyers, realizing credit is tightening, trying to keep the government out of our business and Issue 5 wants the State level to keep track of borrowers of short term loans, ss#, and the number of short term loans we get per year. Next it could be long term loans.

The Government, the politicians, the law makers just keep chipping away at our ability to make our own decisions and chipping away at our rights. It will only stop when we let them roll over us.

I have always told my tenants to not use "rent a centers". They will pay much more for a stove, refrigerator, washer or dryer than they would ever pay for it in a store or on a credit card. This is another option of free enterprise and charging more for a service than necessary. But people need the commodity they sell. And they do have a choice. And isn't that what American has always been about? Capitalism and choices?

And now they want to pass a law allowing us to limit our use of check cashing stores. What happened to capitalism? Free enterprise? Isn't it the right of the people to make a decision? Good or Bad? And then pay the consciences? (Ya, I know. Then there was the Bail Out)

Education is good. Manditory education on a financial literacy course is a little different. Why don't they teach this in schools?
  • How to balance your check book.
  • How to create a budget
  • How to stick to that budget.
  • How income should be MORE than expenses.

I'm voting NO on Issue 5. I want to:

  1. Keep my personal information out of yet another Government database
  2. Make my own financial decisions
  3. Protect good paying jobs with benefits (voting Yes will put 6000 neighbors out of work)
  4. keep 1600 lenders with jobs
  5. Preserve my choice of lending options

Read BEFORE you vote!

Deb This is an unpaid political comment McMillan

The Short Sale Queen

PS The elections will be over soon and my new membership site will be up. Hang in there. I'll be back to website updates, short sales and changes in the market place soon!

Did I mention I've closed 3 short sale deals in the last 2 weeks? :)

Don't believe YOU can't make a difference-YOU CAN

I hate double negatives too. I'm never quite sure what they are trying to say. However, Don't believe this one. One person CAN make a difference. Only if you go to the polls and vote. Let your opinion be counted.

The news reports are saying the election is all sewn up. No need to vote because one party has already won.

Not true. It will be true if you don't cast your vote. Take the time to find out the facts. You will find it within yourself to make a good decision.

You can/will/do make a difference. Be the American you know you are and can be. It only takes one vote to change the tide. Go to the poles and let your opinion be counted.

Are we ready to "spread the wealth around?"

I believe my readers have always been special. Willing to give up Friday night beer drinking parties, give up sitting around all week long watching TV and drinking - being a couch potato. You are different.

We are the ones making the extra money to provide something a little better for our families. To be willing to go out and get something better, learn a little more, take the extra step, extra education and put it to use to better our lives. Not be mandated by the government to pay for financial literacy courses - that's Issue 5 in Ohio and more on that later. We have been making our own financial decisions.

And even if some of us did go into foreclosure, we are only a loser when we give up. Try, try and try again. My mom told me that. And that's exactly what Thomas Edison did when invented the light bulb and the thousand other things he discovered while trying to get electricity.

Those who don't take the extra step, extra education, go the extra mile don't deserve more.

But the Democratic party says take from the "haves" and give to the "have nots". Socialism, call it what you will (and what it is today will be different than what it might be called tomorrow, maybe communism) is taking from the people who are giving the something extra to better their families to give to the couch potatoes who aren't willing to get up and get more for themselves.

This new democratic party will be taking more taxes from the middle class and matter what they say now...and giving it to those who make less. Very scary.

I don't want the government's money. I want the kick in the pants from myself, from my coach, even my significant other to make more money when we need something else than to expect someone to give it to me.

We are independent. We should not be dependent on the government.

There was a poll this weekend. 44% of the people believed in spreading the wealth around. 40% of the population don't pay taxes so only 4 where wanting the government help.

Keep watching. I will be coming out with a new Short Sale Queen membership site. What's on the agenda first?

The Declaration of Financial Independence. When in the course of investor events....

Stay turned. thanks for reading. And go vote!

Deb McMillan
The Short Sale Queen

Monday, October 13, 2008

What Have We done Now?

Well the 700 Billion dollar Bailout has passed. The stocks are down. Oh! The stocks are up. The world banks are collasping too. And now they are talking about Nationalizing the banks to save it. And give even more money.

Where are they going to get that money? Oh, print more. And raise taxes.

Nationalizing the banks means Socializing the banks. The banks own industry, commerce, we become a socialized country. That means an underground to be a capitalist.

We gave Henry Paulsen the authority to do just about anything he wants with that money.

What is the answer? Vote next month. Vote for anyone whose record has shown that have voted to NOT raise taxes in the past. Otherwise, all taxes will increase. Not just the upper class.

  • Gas Taxes will increase - hits everybody
  • Corporation taxes increase - hits everybody (because Corps will raise their prices on their products they sell to everybody, milk, bread, boats, cigarettes, drugs, etc.)
  • All other taxes will increase to pay for health care for everyone

Health care and education are not a right. But both candidates will take tax money to pay for it.

How does all this affect short sales, which really in my topic. No freed up credit will allow no one to buy our houses. Business won't be as usual.

If only someone would look at changing the 90 day seasoning rule.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

PreForeclosures and The Government.

PreForeclosures and The Government. Help or Hinder?
Is the Bail-Out Really going to Bail Us Out?

We certainly hope it will make a difference. There are lots of doubts. And whose to say that with the same people overseeing the new money that was overseeing the money before (which is why we got into this problem) the same thing won't happen.

Money would go to congressional, legislative and presidential candidates for their campaign fund.
Bad governmental policy is what got us here.
  • allowing anybody to get a loan whether their creditqualified or not
  • allowing the banks to give their reserves to congress in the form of campaign contributions (Obama was #3on the list for receiving the most in money from Fannie Mae)

More Buyers, More Lending

It could give banks the money they need, clear off the bad debt and let there be buyers. Peoplewho can get a loan and buy our houses after we get "shorter" short sale. (I have to say I didn't create that phrase. Nathan Embry did. But I really like it and I'm using it. I think it describes exactly what we can do in this market. And it will only get better or shorter :) )

And we should be able to get a shorter short sale. The banks want these houses off their books. The government will feel the same when they get them. They will be overwhelmed.

I believe the same banks will service them. They can't afford to train thousands of new loss mitigators to re-work loans and short sales. There will just be new guidelines. And, like always, and the way business is in Corporate America, if the new guidelines don't provide the desired results, they will change the guidelines.

How do I know this? What I do know is Fannie Mae called Countrywide on Friday September 26th. They said and I repeat "if a rebuttal BPO comes in, split the difference and accept the price".

Is that something good to know?

Did you hear what they said? Submit a rebuttal BPO!!!!!!Usually submitting a lower bpo that the realtor isn't difficult. I'm not saying lie. I'm saying don't lie! The property values today are decreasing (depreciating) just about everywhere. You will 99% of the time be able to find lower value properties.

Easy! Think outside of the box!

Use houses that are distressed...have already gone to foreclosure sale. Let the bank know. The bank is looking for something in writing to confirm their sale price. They don't want to be seen as only giving friends good prices. (The loss mitigators don't want to make the news headlines like the CEO's etc. are) They must have data. And now they will accept it.

Stay tuned right here. The to get monthly coaching and all the updates you'll need to get your deals closed in these new "shorter" short sale times!

Deb McMillan
Believe in Your Own Success!